Jim Steven's Manual Therapy - Albuquerque, NM, Northeast Heights


Service Pricing

Pricing for manual therapy and massage is based upon the sessions I most commonly recommend. These sessions often work best for my patients. However, I am a fairly easygoing person and if you prefer something different let me know and we can work something out together. I most commonly offer two sessions: 60 minutes for $160.00. Shorter appointment times will typically not include massage. While the longer appointment allows 30-40 minutes for massage as a nice wrap up to the work.
© 2022, Jim Stevens Manual Therapy
Master Manual Therapist & Physical Trauma Specialist Relieving pain and injury since 1994


Service Pricing

Pricing for manual therapy and massage is based upon the sessions I most commonly recommend. These sessions often work best for my patients. However, I am a fairly easygoing person and if you prefer something different let me know and we can work something out together. I most commonly offer two sessions: 60 minutes for $160.00. Shorter appointment times will typically not include massage. While the longer appointment allows 30-40 minutes for massage as a nice wrap up to the work.
© 2022, Jim Stevens Manual Therapy
Master Manual Therapist & Physical Trauma Specialist Relieving pain and injury since 1994